
The Douyin Algorithm Turns: KOE's Outlet Is Coming

   Recently, a series of actions by Douyin have provided a better platform for the rise of KOE (Key Opinion Employee).

From the public domain to the private domain, Douyin intends to enhance the stickiness of fans

  The basic algorithm of Douyin is based on public domain traffic. The public domain traffic is like individual customers in the square, and the Douyin algorithm will push these individual customers to those accounts or live broadcast rooms that are more efficient in e-commerce. This method has extremely high requirements for anchors to keep people, but at the same time, it also leads to the low value of Douyin fans. A large size with 10 million fans, if the fans are not vertical enough, its sales conversion rate may not catch up with a mid-waist account with 20,000 to 300,000 fans.

  As Douyin e-commerce matures, its requirements for GMV (gross merchandise transactions) are also higher. As a result, Douyin needs more accounts with sticky fans and strong consumer appeal, which requires Douyin to complete a transition from public domain traffic to private domain traffic, and achieve a transition between public domain traffic and private domain traffic. A healthy balance.

  Recently, Douyin launched the iron fan growth (internal test) function, and one of our accounts received an invitation to the internal test. The recent broadcast volume and fan growth data of this account are very good. Among the more than 380,000 fans currently owned, 190,000 are iron fans, and nearly 50% of the iron fans account for a very high proportion. The so-called iron fans refer to those fans who interact frequently and actively with the account. In the total number of fans, the higher the proportion of iron fans, the higher the natural traffic given to the account by the platform, and the better the realization.

  Behind the internal testing of the iron powder system, the algorithm of Douyin has quietly changed. It turned out that an account released a new short video work, and the platform first pushed the video to individual visitors in the public domain to watch, and the interactive feedback was good, and continued to increase the recommendation. Under this mechanism, the traffic status of an account is not directly related to the number of fans. The current iron fan mechanism is to give priority to fans, and the feedback from fans is good, and then push it to a larger public domain traffic pool.

  Behind this major change in the algorithm mechanism is the strategic challenge of Douyin's eagerness to do a good job in private domain traffic. Many millions of accounts, fans are not very sticky to KOLs (key opinion leaders), and the proportion of iron fans is seriously small. And many trumpets even have 10,000 fans, as long as the fans are strong enough, it is possible to get better traffic support than many larges.

  This is definitely good news for KOE. KOEs are employees with certain professional knowledge within the company. They are definitely not as good as those well-known big V in terms of titles and endorsements, so the number of fans of their accounts is generally not too high. Previously, in the face of KOLs occupying a strong position, weak KOEs generally had no advantage, but with the iron powder system, the situation may be greatly improved. Because the current traffic password is not based on the absolute number of fans, but on the proportion of iron fans.

  For KOE, which is backed by the company's brand (including commodities and supply chain), it exclusively recommends its own products, and through proper private domain operations, it has a considerable advantage in building iron powder.

Additional actions to enhance brand repurchase opportunities

  In addition to the internal test iron powder system, Douyin has also launched a series of actions to strengthen private domain orientation for merchant brands.

  Added e-commerce membership function. E-commerce members are similar to membership cards issued by merchants. Users can earn membership points, receive coupons, and enjoy other benefits provided by merchants. This feature can be found and experienced in "Wallet - More Features - E-commerce Membership". Under Douyin's previous public domain orientation, the account with the larger the number of fans, the higher the proportion of passerby fans. So as a fan, you don't get special treatment, and it's not much different from a FIT. This kind of passerby is unlikely to continue to buy products, and the possibility of iron fans becoming a member is greatly increased. At the same time, if you can attract passers-by fans to become members, even through welfare distribution, there is a chance to promote them to become iron fans.

  Added repurchase coupons and "My Frequently Purchased Goods" functions. This is to increase the order repurchase rate. Repurchase coupons are the rights and interests launched for store users who have already purchased. Repurchase can get discounts, so as to increase the repurchase rate of users. When fans become members, these two functions play a big role. After the interests of fans are included in the algorithm, they will be recorded as consumption preferences. By pushing new products that meet their consumption preferences, coupled with repurchase coupons with discounts, they can promote the continuation and normalization of consumption.

  Increase shopping entrance on the home page. This function is equivalent to the merchant version of the circle of friends, and the target is Taobao's subscription function. Merchants can increase the conversion rate of fans through the continuous exposure of new products, and solidify the interests of fans through the subscription function, rather than triggering them accidentally. This is also the transition from passive interest stimulation to active interest push, which is an important cornerstone for the continuation and normalization of sales.

  In addition to the main APP, the newly launched "Douyin Laike" APP. This is a business platform specially launched by Douyin to serve local life merchants, which will further help merchants grow their business on Douyin, and help their online and offline business grow. This is a move to close the loop between online and offline businesses. Food, drink and entertainment related to local life, such as catering, air ticket reservation, hotel reservation, performance ticketing, communication, recharge, life service, life payment, travel service, car service and other related brands and businesses can all be obtained in this closed loop. increase.

  These measures are Douyin's new measures to attract various merchants to settle in and jointly expand Douyin e-commerce. Douyin previously called itself an interest e-commerce business, but from the operational logic of business, interest is the entrance to e-commerce, which is an accidental purchase behavior. Only by normalizing and continuing users' purchases can it be possible to push the GMV of the entire e-commerce business to a higher level.

From interest to trust, KOE is none other than KOE

  The evolution from interest e-commerce to trust e-commerce is behind the privatization of traffic, and it can be said that ordinary fans need to complete the "iron powderization". Iron powder means a high degree of trust and loyalty, and this process and result, the above-mentioned functional tools are not enough, but need to be implemented through KOE.

  The brand itself has no temperature, and the temperature needs to rely on the continuous interaction and in-depth interaction between employees and customers on various touch points to achieve. At the touch point of short video live broadcast, KOE must be the first person responsible for the privatization and conversion of traffic.

  At this point, there is a big difference between KOE and KOL. For example, Wang Fang, the head of the parent-child book track, does not need to introduce the content of the book at all. As long as she shouts in the live broadcast room, she can complete thousands of transactions in an instant. Some of the books, she herself simply recommends to fans without time to peruse. The sales volume of this live broadcast method is considerable, but the sequelae should not be underestimated. Although there is a selection team responsible for book quality control, in fact, the focus of the control is often the book price or commission, rather than the intrinsic quality of the book. And KOE is often an employee of a book publishing organization, and has the most detailed information about the books it produces, and thus has the greatest right to speak. For example, the two accounts of Zhejiang Literature and Art Publishing House and Machinery Industry Publishing House, their quality cognition and emotional investment in books are completely different from that of an external anchor. Their pride and self-confidence are beyond words when they promote the good books published by this agency.

  Although the inherent conditions of e-commerce make it impossible for fans to fully identify the pros and cons of products, they can clearly distinguish between genuine recommendations and profit-seeking sales.

  The reason why we use books as an example is because books are one of the most difficult products to sell, and there is a complex cognitive gap. Their selling point requires the anchor to convert the content of the book into Douyin. For general products in daily life, the public's cognition is not so difficult. If an anchor can talk about book products well, it is generally not a problem to talk about other products.

  Fans' trust in KOE comes from reliability and enthusiasm. Reliability means that the product quality is excellent, the price is reasonable, and the promise is true. This is the premise of building basic trust, and enthusiasm is a necessary condition for building deep trust.

  It can be said that all the measures provided by Douyin above are just tools without temperature. To truly realize the privatization of traffic, we need KOE's enthusiasm, enthusiasm for products, and enthusiasm for fans. Enthusiasm comes from love. A KOE can only express true love if he recognizes the company and the product from the heart. The screen is cold, and only the enthusiasm inspired by love can penetrate the screen to infect fans, prompt fans to become iron fans, and then achieve continuous sales under continuous infection. As for how to make KOE full of enthusiasm, it is another topic of enterprise management.



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