
How lovely you love yourself, how lovely your marriage is

   You always give priority to taking care of others' emotions and giving priority. It is clear that they bully you and you are wronged. You still smile and comfort yourself. You should be sensible. This is growth.

  Where to grow? Give yourself flatulence all day long?

  If you always exclude your own feelings, then in the future, others will no longer respect your feelings, and you don't know how to love yourself, so how can others love you?

  Keep your head down, I don’t know if your crown is off, but it’s not good for the cervical spine. The electronic scale reminds you every day, don't underestimate yourself, don't let your body be stretched out because of eating too much. Be kind to yourself and serve snacks, such as horseshoe cake, crystal buns, and wonderful crispy corners. These snacks are delicious.

  When you get crazy, you will find that the world is much gentler to you. This kind of madness has found self-respect and is a choice of oneself. This choice is joyful and unconditional.

  It's not that you have a fish. Give up pickled cabbage fish and make yourself aggrieved with chopped pepper fish head, vinegared fish tail, and spicy stir-fried fish offal.

  We know that love is all about giving. What are your reasons for paying? Is it like it or is it fear?

  Like, you give, and then your heart will be rich, you will feel happy, you will get energy, and you will meet many people who make your life happy.

  Fear type, you are afraid of not being loved, you pay for it, and you keep emptying yourself out, you are testing, he doesn't like durian, you change tiramisu, he doesn't like strawberry pudding, you change crispy ice cream, Until you change to what he likes, at that moment, you feel at ease and feel safe. Then, one day, he no longer likes it, you fall into a new fear and start a new round of searching, until one day, you are exhausted.

  Therefore, loving yourself is not forcing yourself to deliver. You only have a lollipop, and you cannot give generously to someone you don't love. And giving is not to exchange the other party’s popsicles.

  The most important thing to love yourself is to let go of fear: if I don’t do this, what will the other person think. Don't plunge yourself into self-blame, don't plunge yourself into restlessness, you know, the temporary sense of security maintained by that lollipop is very short, very short, not too short.

2 You are afraid of not being loved or accepted, and you have made many decisions against your will.

  If you feel scared and exchange things for a sense of security, then you will completely forget the feeling of love, because love will not let you fall into this kind of troubles, gains and losses, love will not make you suffer, and love will not put you at the end. .

  One day, when you love yourself, you will find that there is a kind of tenderness in your heart.

  You won't blame the child for knocking down the vase, you will ask her with concern if she got her hands. You will not criticize the child for doing so badly, you will comfort her, it does not matter, there is another time. You will not ignore how annoying a child is to hug, you will stretch out your hands and hold them tighter than her.

  You love yourself, and the more you love, the more love you can give. Then, you will find that the more people love you, because they know how to love you.

  At that moment, your love is unconditional. When you love yourself and you can get lollipops, you don’t mind if there are popsicles to eat. On the contrary, you also have Bang Bang Chicken and Bang Bang Bun, because you are Bang Bang. Yes, then, the fear disappeared.

  When you know that you can love yourself, then you allow others not to love you, you allow yourself to make mistakes, you allow some people to leave you, you allow bad things to happen, you allow yourself to collapse late at night, you allow others to deny you, you Allow yourself to be childish and cute, you allow yourself to be less successful, you allow your permission. Then you will have a good time, instead of today, you hold your love and exchange it, and it looks good.

  You seldom allow yourself to do many things in your heart. Over the years, you have been unkind to yourself, and you have not allowed yourself to be ordinary, which made you suffer a lot. Allow it, what's wrong?

  You know, when one person goes through all kinds of hardships and arrives at another person, this is not love, and love will not be proved by one person's consumption. One person's set sail does not need another person's harbor, she arrives in her own starlight, and it is also very romantic.

  Can you imagine? You are four or five years old, you are full of curiosity about the world, you are writing down your dreams, and then you stand in front of her as you are today, rush over, tear off her manuscript paper, and you tell her that your dreams are nothing. Value, when you grow up, you live in a mess, nothing is done, you have no value, if you can't support your salary, you can't meet someone you like, you are a waste. Cruel? Perhaps this is how you deny yourself every day. You always plunge yourself into negative emotions and torture your self-esteem. Why can't you love yourself like you love a child? It's the first time you've lived your life.

  Don’t blame the kid who occasionally loses temper, loses shape, fears social interaction, low self-esteem, is sensitive and tries hard to blend into the circle of colleagues. Allow her occasionally to say something wrong with her low EQ, allow her to study slowly, and allow her to be stupid when she loves someone. Allow her to have some unrealistic fantasies, allow her to occasionally be lazy, allow her to cry, and allow her to allow yourself.

  You have to allow you to be yourself, even if you are in a marriage, secondly you are XX's lover, and then XX's parents.



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Hebei Xingang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Hebei Xingang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd is located in the industrial park of Zhao County, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, near the world-famous ZhaoZhou Bridge. Our facility neighbors the Qinyin Expressway and 308 National Highway on the east, and it neighbors the Jingzhu Expressway and 107 National Highway on the west. It is located 30 km from Shijiazhuang High-speed Train Station and 50 km from Shijiazhuang International Airport. Our company mainly focuses on the research, production and retail of rifamycin and its derivatives, and pharmaceutical raw materials and intermediates. Our products mainly include, Rifamycin S Sodium, Rifamycin S, 3-Formyl Rifamycin SV, Rifamycin SV Sodium, Rifampicin, Rifandine, Rifaximin, Rifapentine, Rifabutin, Rilmenidine, and so on. We are currently the world’s main manufacturer of anti-tuberculosis drugs and rifamycin and its derivatives. Hebei Xingang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd was established in 1996. Upon establishment, the company had a clear developmental goal o