
Altay: a romantic fairy tale kingdom

   In the northernmost part of Xinjiang, China, there is an amazing place, where there is a charming scenery all year round, that is, the mysterious and magnificent Altay. Altay is located under the famous Altai Mountains, just north of Urumqi. The northwest is connected to Kazakhstan and Russia, and the northeast is bordered by Mongolia. It is known as the "four countries".

  Altay has azure blue lakes, dense birch forests, wild Gobi deserts, colorful river valleys, and ancient Mongolian Tuva people... In the hearts of many people, Altay is often connected with Kanas. Kanas is Mongolian, meaning "beautiful, rich and mysterious." Kanas Lake was formed 200,000 years ago. Moraine objects blocked the river course, forming a magical and spectacular mountain lake.

  Kanas Lake and the surrounding snow-capped mountains, grasslands, and birch forests form beautiful scenery. Shenxian Bay, Wolong Bay, and Moon Bay are well-known and are photographers' paradise all year round. There is a quaint little village by the lake—Hemu Village. The warm air and quiet atmosphere here make people feel as if they are in a private manor, which is quiet and beautiful from any angle.

  Hemu Village is inhabited by Kazakhs and Tuvas. They are mainly nomads and hunters. They eat homemade cheese, milk tea, and milk bumps. They live in a wooden yurt built by themselves, and live quietly and leisurely with the sheep from the south to the north. Life.

  Baihaba Village is located in the deep valleys of the Altai Mountains, surrounded by dense forests. It is the village with the highest concentration of Tuva people in the Altay region. One of the small towns. This is a village where the natural ecology and the ancient traditional culture are in harmony, everything still preserves the original style inherent for hundreds of years. The Tuva dwellings were built on a long and narrow terrace between two small streams. Wooden house fences made of logs stand against the mountains and rivers, scattered in pine and birch forests. When you arrive at Bai Haba, you must take pictures of the smoke that rises in the morning. The virgin forest, log cabins, the faint morning mist and the mysterious residents together form a fairy tale kingdom.

  Wucai Beach is famous for "a river with two banks, different from north to south". The blue Irtysh River passes by, under the sunlight, multicolored tiny plants are intertwined to form a dreamy river beach. The north bank of the river is a cliff-like Yadan landform, and the color changes of the river beach become richer as you go west. The south bank across the river is lush and verdant valley scenery, Populus euphratica stretches into forests, and there are suspension bridges, windmills, and the vast Gobi desert in the distance.



Moroccan football team: "The most familiar stranger"

   When I was still in college ten years ago, I led a sightseeing group of more than 30 Moroccan students. Before meeting them, my general impression of the Moroccans was that they are from North Africa but closer to the Arab world. They have religious beliefs, are used to worship, and are inextricably linked with France.   When I saw the real person, I realized that the North Africans in front of me were actually a group of children playing with each other and having fun in time. They were about the same age as me at the time. I have all kinds of nicknames and nicknames. During the process of taking them to Badaling, the Summer Palace and Houhai, two classmates and I, together with more than 30 Moroccan students, realized "cultural integration" and "world unity" in the small group to some extent.   During the World Cup in Qatar, I was surprised to find that the little-known Morocco team, which was eliminated in the group stage of the last World Cup, after miraculou

Zeigarnik effect

  As a freelancer, you have to fight procrastination every day. "I've made up my mind many times, but I just can't change it. Is it because I'm slow or slow?". In fact, many procrastinations are irrational. Many obstructions are imagined by myself. So distract, postpone, avoid confrontation. It's cool to procrastinate, and it's cool to procrastinate all the time, so I can't do it. Concentration is also related to physical strength. When the physical strength is exhausted, it is even more difficult to concentrate. You’ll tell yourself: I’m too tired to do this—okay, another perfect procrastination.   In 1927, Bruma Zeigarnik's senior research found that people are more likely to care about unfinished and interrupted work than completed work. This is the Zeigarnik effect. For example, we often don't care much about what we have got, but we will especially cherish what we have worked hard but haven't got. Therefore, the TV series will tell you

Hebei Xingang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Hebei Xingang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd is located in the industrial park of Zhao County, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, near the world-famous ZhaoZhou Bridge. Our facility neighbors the Qinyin Expressway and 308 National Highway on the east, and it neighbors the Jingzhu Expressway and 107 National Highway on the west. It is located 30 km from Shijiazhuang High-speed Train Station and 50 km from Shijiazhuang International Airport. Our company mainly focuses on the research, production and retail of rifamycin and its derivatives, and pharmaceutical raw materials and intermediates. Our products mainly include, Rifamycin S Sodium, Rifamycin S, 3-Formyl Rifamycin SV, Rifamycin SV Sodium, Rifampicin, Rifandine, Rifaximin, Rifapentine, Rifabutin, Rilmenidine, and so on. We are currently the world’s main manufacturer of anti-tuberculosis drugs and rifamycin and its derivatives. Hebei Xingang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd was established in 1996. Upon establishment, the company had a clear developmental goal o