
The sugar content of fruit cannot be judged by the taste alone

   If you eat a sweeter fruit, do you feel that it is high in sugar? In this regard, Zeng Qingshan, deputy chief physician of the Clinical Nutrition Department of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, explained that although in general, sweeter fruits have relatively higher sugar content, but this is not absolute. For example, watermelon tastes quite sweet, with a sugar content of only 5.8%; kiwi fruit seems to taste relatively sour, but its sugar content is 14.5%. Therefore, the sugar content of fruit cannot be judged by the taste alone.

  Do n't ignore these two values.

  If sugar content can't be judged by the taste alone, how should you choose fruits every day? According to Zeng Qingshan, the key point is to look at two data - glycemic index (GI value) and blood sugar load (GL value).

  GI value, this value is an index that reflects the degree of food-induced increase in blood sugar in the human body. It represents the percentage value of the blood sugar response level in the body within a certain period of time (usually 2 hours) for food containing 50 grams of carbohydrates and a corresponding amount of glucose.

  To put it simply, food with a higher GI value is digested faster after entering the gastrointestinal tract, has a higher absorption rate, releases glucose faster, and has a higher peak value of glucose after entering the blood. Conversely, eating foods with a lower GI value will result in a slower rise in blood sugar, which can stabilize blood sugar and make you feel fuller.

  GL value is to combine the quantity and quality of carbohydrates to see the degree of influence of a certain food on human blood sugar. The calculation formula is: GL value = GI value (per 100 grams) × carbohydrate content (per 100 grams) / 100. This indicator can reflect the impact of eating different amounts of food on blood sugar.

  Many people overcorrect when losing weight, thinking that only foods with a low GI value can be eaten, resulting in less and less food on the diet, and losing weight becomes more and more painful. In fact, when choosing food, you should combine the GI value and GL value to judge more comprehensively whether a food is suitable for weight loss. Generally speaking, it is preferred to choose one with low GI value and GL value, and one with low GI value and GL value, and not to choose one with high GI value and GL value.

  These two types of people are particular about eating fruits

  For overweight people and diabetic patients, fruit is not a dietary taboo. The key is to choose fruits with low GI and low GL values, and eating in limited amounts is the key.

  1. The time to eat fruit is generally between two meals, such as 9-10 am or 3-4 pm. Try not to eat fruit after 4 pm every day. In short, overweight people and diabetic patients should not eat fruit immediately after meals. On the one hand, it can avoid blood sugar fluctuations; on the other hand, fruits contain high sugar content. Consumed in time may become stored as fat.

  2. The amount of fruit per day is controlled at 100-200 grams. If you eat too much fruit, you should reduce the amount of staple food accordingly. For example, if you consume 200 grams of apples, you should reduce the staple food by 25 grams (about 1/4 of the usual bowl of rice).

  3. People who are overweight and diabetics should choose fresh fruits as much as possible, and choose less or no fruit juice, canned fruit and preserved fruit when eating fruits.



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