Even the most ignorant people know the name of Madonna, the queen of pop music. There's no denying that she and Michael Jackson were the pop duo of the 1980s. In the world pop music world where newcomers are emerging, despite the continuous emergence of outstanding female singers, who would dare to say that she has replaced Madonna? Maybe you don't like her hoarse voice at all, and you hate her overly sexy, but you have to admit, she is a woman who has climbed to the top of pop music.
On August 16, 1958, Madonna was born into an ordinary Italian immigrant family in the western United States. It's weird that from a very young age she wanted to be famous and to rock the world. For more than 40 years, hidden behind Madonna's figure is an unknown story.
A rebellious girl from a conservative family
In 1920, Madonna's grandfather Gaetano Cicconi sailed from Naples to New York. Like thousands of Italian immigrants, he went to the New World to break into the world. The 19-year-old Gaetano just got married and decided to hit the road. Many of his relatives have gone to the United States one after another to seek the American dream. After countless trials and tribulations, the couple finally took root in America and their children grew up. In 1955, his son Tony Cicconi married his crush, Madonna Godtier. Madonna Gauthier's parents are French Canadians. They are quiet, deeply Catholic. Tony is an engineer for the U.S. Department of Defense in Michigan.
They had two sons, and on August 16, 1958, their first daughter was born, and they named her Madonna. Of course, they never imagined that the name would become a household name in the future. As Catholics, they can't refuse God's gift, and they can't use contraception, so children are born one after another. Maidonna has two younger sisters and a younger brother. As soon as she was sensible, Maidonna realized that it was not easy to get her mother's attention and caress. Mom is too busy. She has to clean the room, cook, do the laundry, and take care of the little brothers and sisters. But McDonnell doesn't care, she does everything she can to attract her mother's attention and compete with her siblings for her mother's love. Mom is so patient, she tries to give each child as many kisses and as much attention as possible, no matter how tired.
Unfortunately, in 1962, while pregnant with little sister Melanie, doctors discovered that her mother had breast cancer. After that, her mother was often hospitalized, and Madonna and the other children often gathered around her sickbed. On December 1, 1963, my mother closed her eyes forever. The brothers were still naughty and didn't know how to take care of their younger siblings. 5-year-old Maidonna felt very lonely, and she began to do everything possible to win her father's love. Tony understands that working and caring for six children is almost impossible. Although grandparents and maternal grandparents often took the children to care, he still struggled. He must find a babysitter for the children. In 1966, the slender Joan Gustafson came to the family as a housekeeper. Tony soon discovered that the housekeeper was smart, capable, and loving, and the children were very fond of her. McDonnell was fond of her, but she became jealous when she discovered that the housekeeper seemed to please her father. Six months later, the father and Joan were married.
Her family has always liked music. After entering elementary school, McDonnell is not only smart, she can sing and dance well, but also has good grades. She is often the lead dancer in school performances. She dislikes the school uniforms being old-fashioned, so she often puts bright skirts in her schoolbag, goes to the toilet to put them on immediately after arriving at school, takes them off when she gets home, and goes home in her school uniform. When she was a teenager, she bought lipstick and rouge and applied makeup to the mirror. Her father, a devout Catholic, was very disgusted with her behavior and kept urging her stepmother to discipline her well. However, the more her father and stepmother took care of her, the more rebellious she became. At a high school evening, she performed a solo dance. At the end of the dance music, she suddenly took off her dance clothes and made an amazing appearance. The teachers and classmates were greatly surprised, and the father sitting in the audience was blown away.
Madonna was determined to be a dancer. She joined a ballet class and practiced diligently. Her father wanted her to concentrate on her studies and become a lawyer in the future. However, she was fascinated by dancing. Ballet teacher Christopher Flynn was quick to see that the student was something to make, so he was very strict with her. Madonna was particularly willing to endure hardship and soon excelled in her class. She always wanted to get her father's approval and approval, but she couldn't get it. In fact, the ideological distance between her and her father is getting farther and farther, and she is more and more like-minded with the ballet teacher. After graduating from high school, she decided to apply for the dance department at the University of Michigan. She passed the test and got a scholarship. Christopher Flynn also joined the dance department at the university as a teacher. Of course, her father disapproved of her learning dance, but since she has received a scholarship, can she not let her daughter go?
The Legendary Experience
After the dance department at the University of Michigan, Madonna quickly came to the fore. However, she was not satisfied with being a dancer anymore. She felt that being a dancer was difficult, she wanted to be famous, she had to think of something else. So, how about singing? Christopher Flynn encouraged her to go to New York, where there were more opportunities. In 1977, Madonna successfully applied for a summer scholarship to a dance company in New York. She and her boyfriend drove 16 hours and finally came to the New York she longed for. Her father wanted her to get a diploma in dance anyway, but she ignored it. In New York, Madonna did everything in order to survive, serving as a bartender, a nude model in the Academy of Fine Arts, and a troupe dancer in a dance troupe. When she had some savings, she started to learn to sing while working. She has a natural sense of joy, and she goes all out in whatever she learns, and works very hard. At this time, she gradually had the opportunity to lead the dance in the dance troupe. However, she remains unwavering in learning to sing.
In New York, there are countless young people who worship art, and Madonna quickly met a large circle of friends full of artistic cells. She also never lacks a boyfriend. She is very disciplined about herself, never taking drugs or even drinking hard alcohol. Just when she wanted a chance to show her singing voice, she met Dan Kilroy. He formed a small band with his brother Ed and Ed's girlfriend and played in some New York clubs. At this time, he fell out with his girlfriend who was the lead singer, and Madonna became not only his girlfriend, but also the lead singer of this small band. Since then, Madonna has also started writing her own lyrics, with Dan Kilroy scoring her lyrics.
During that part, Madonna was multi-tasking, dancing in a dance company, modelling for a modeling agency, and singing in various clubs with the Kilroy brothers. However, the Kilroy brothers found Madonna difficult to work with because of her aggressiveness. By the second half of 1980, their conflict was so acute that they had to part ways. Madonna recruited her boyfriend from the University of Michigan, Steve Bray, to form her own little band, Amy. While "Amy" is struggling to survive, a young female music manager, Camille Barber, notices her. She immediately realized that the young Madonna had enormous potential in the pop music scene. She soon had a heated fight with Madonna and offered to be her agent. Camille Barber is a lesbian. They both come in and out every day, which has attracted a lot of rumors. However, Madonna doesn't care!
With the help of Camille Barber, Madonna's progress is smoother than before. A big club in New York invited her to sing, and she was a big hit there. Madonna, however, remained unhappy with her progress, nor with Camille Barber's alcoholism and financial inadequacy. In February 1982, she had her lawyer inform Camille Barber that she was no longer an agent. Madonna went around looking for a singing contract and a recording company; she wrote her own lyrics and stepped up her song practice. Although she had neither money nor an agent, she still said ambitiously to her friends: "One day, I want to be a star!" She knew that a backup dancer would add a lot to the performance, so she did everything possible to find a backup dancer. At every rehearsal, she was always the first to arrive and the last to leave. Finally, a record company is willing to give her a trial record. After the record was recorded, she went to ask the musicians of the clubs to play it. A few weeks later, the record, "Everybody," catapulted her to fame, and she was on the cover of a pop magazine.
The success of her first record opened the way for her to have a second record. When her second album came out in March 1983, she decided to lead her band on a tour across the country. She understands that finding a good song is as important to a singer as finding a good script for an actor. At this time, her new boyfriend helped her find a new song "Holiday". In July 1983, as soon as the "Holiday" album hit the market, it became a huge hit, selling 9 million copies worldwide, much beyond the record company's expectations. The record not only catapulted her to fame, it also turned her over financially. In January 1984, television broadcast her concert to the United States for the first time.
In 1984, Madonna began recording videotapes. She told the director that her theme was to be sexy and sexy again. She named the second video "Like a Virgin", but she tried her best to expose it. Some of her friends worried that it was too much and Madonna was finished! However, audiences clearly liked her sexiness, and "Like a Virgin" sold millions of copies at once. Video companies discover they have the world's most popular rising pop star. For millions of spectators, Madonna's maddening singing and dancing are very exciting, inspiring them to go up. For the majority of female audiences, Madonna's rendering of sexy seems to tell them that the basic tenets of feminism are right, but feminism is not to hide the sexy of women, but to expose it more boldly. This seems to have given many women a panacea and expressed their inner voice.
Painful feelings from first marriage
In 1985, Madonna was treated as a star wherever she went. At the beginning of the year, she flew to Hollywood to make a video, and Hollywood hailed her as another Marilyn Monroe. In May, Time magazine featured her on the cover. Not only did music magazines, best-selling magazines, and tabloids report her whereabouts one after another, many sociologists studied her as a special topic. This year is also her fertile year. She has 6 albums and 5 videotapes on the market. She also got a role in the movie "Finding Susan" and sang the theme song. This small-budget film did an excellent job at the box office.
One day in 1985, she walked out of the Hollywood studio and saw young actor Sean Penn standing there waiting for someone. They said hello. Madonna had love at first sight. In fact, they both had partners at the time. Sean was born into a family of actors in Hollywood. He grew up in Hollywood, not only has a small success in his acting career, but also knew a large group of friends in Hollywood. Some people say that Madonna valued Sean and wanted to use his connections to develop in Hollywood. However, their friends observed that they were indeed in love. If Sean was a little passive at first, he soon broke up with his girlfriend and threw himself into Madonna's arms. Sean introduced Madonna to Hollywood celebrities, and Madonna also brought Sean to New York to introduce her to her friends there. Several of her good friends died of AIDS one after another, and she took great care of them. After a few weeks of knowing each other, Sean proposed to Madonna.
Just when the tabloids were hyping up their romance, trouble came to you. In 1978, when Madonna was down and out, she took some nude photos for very little payment. Today, photo owners are selling them at a premium. Playboy and Penthouse magazines competed for high prices, and both wanted to be published as soon as possible. Madonna and Sean were anxious and angry, but there was nothing they could do. Madonna's agent, Freddie Deman, believes that this is no big deal, and can only increase Madonna's popularity. "Any publicity is good publicity." What annoyed them the most was that Madonna and Sean's families reacted strongly to the incident, and that wherever they went, the paparazzi were chasing them, and there was almost no privacy at all. Sean, known as Hollywood's "bad boy", often clashes with the paparazzi, punching them.
On August 16, 1985, they held a secret wedding in California, attended only by relatives and friends. The careers of the two are booming, Sean's film appointments continue, Madonna has successfully toured around the world, and there are many filming opportunities. But Madonna was quickly annoyed by Sean's bad temper. One of Madonna's old music friends kissed her on the cheek after a long absence. Sean was so jealous that he knocked him to the ground with one punch. His conflict with the paparazzi went to court again and again, and in the end, he actually went to jail for it. Although the sentence was only a few dozen days, he was allowed to be released early so that he could be filmed on location. In addition to this, Sean is a frequent drinker and loves chasing women. Sean also suspects Madonna of having an affair with another man, and is disgusted by her having sex with lesbian friends. In September 1987, Madonna filed for divorce, but quickly changed her mind. At the end of 1988, they had a big fight, Madonna called the police, and their three-year marriage ended in divorce.
The second marriage made her change her rebellious personality.
Madonna has always had no shortage of boyfriends. Since her divorce from Sean Penn, she has been looking for marriage and has always wanted children. She especially likes people of color, and likes men with strong bodies. One day in early 1995, when she was running in Central Park, New York, near her home, she saw a jogging man in front of her with a fit and dark brown complexion. When she got home, she asked her employee to work as a private detective to investigate the man's identity. Her employees really figured it out - the young man, Carlos Leone, was a gymnastics coach in a gymnastics room. She asked the employee to help her arrange a meeting time. Their romance developed quickly. Madonna found Carlos kind and easy-going, caring about people. They try to keep a low profile and avoid the attention of the media. On April 13, 1996, Madonna, 38, announced she was pregnant. After the filming of "Evita", on October 14, she gave birth to daughter Lola. With her daughter, Madonna's life began to become low-key, but the temptation to men in her bones made her so popular.
As Madonna herself said, the birth of daughter Lola opened a new chapter in her life. After she announced her pregnancy, there were rumors that she was not sincere to Carlos, but just borrowed his sperm, which greatly hurt Carlos. In addition, he also found that as Madonna's partner, it was very difficult to navigate a complex relationship. After the baby was born, their relationship was completely over. However, Carlos is a conscientious father who often visits and takes care of his daughter. Madonna took care of her daughter wholeheartedly and became very patient. By Lola's side, she is not a star, but a mother. She can't help but see things from the eyes of ordinary people, hoping that her daughter will grow up in a normal environment. Several family magazines scrambled to feature Madonna, the good mother. Madonna seemed to be a different person and more mature, her friends said.
One day in 1998, Madonna had dinner at the house of her friend and singer Sting in London. Sitting next to her was Guy Ritchie, a young British director who was about to make a music video. Madonna said her company could consider it. Soon after, Guy flew to Los Angeles to discuss the matter with the Madonna Company managers. That's how they communicated. Guy is 10 years younger than Madonna and was born into a middle-class family in England. He did not like reading since childhood, but was keen on art. He left school at a very young age and went to London to make a living. Later, his father introduced him to work in a film studio. Madonna found that he was strong-willed, very confident, and did not flinch at her fame. This is what her previous boyfriends lacked, and it was particularly attractive to her.
In fact, Guy and his girlfriend have been together for several years, and his girlfriend is seeing Guy and Madonna getting closer and closer. Madonna wants Guy to move to America, Guy wants Madonna to move to England. At the time, Madonna was filming on location, and Guy was promoting Hollywood star Brad Pitt's film "Battle." Later, Madonna finally took her daughter to live in London. Before long, Madonna became pregnant. On August 11, 2000, Madonna gave birth to a boy. When she came home from the hospital, she saw an inconspicuous cardboard box beside the bed. When she opened it, it turned out to be a diamond ring and a long letter from Guy. In the letter, Guy reviewed a series of events since the two met, sincerely proposed to her, and said that the birth of his son made him the happiest person in the world. At the end of the year, they held a grand wedding in a castle in Scotland.
Madonna's legendary experiences doomed her to be a woman who pursues an alternative, a rebellious woman who grew up against the background of a devout Catholic family.
"Strict mother" and philanthropist
Compared with the Madonna who conquered countless fans with her sweet smile, sexy dress, beautiful singing and fiery dance on the stage, she is regarded by children as a "stern mother" in life. Mother". Madonna has two children, 11-year-old daughter Rhodes and 7-year-old son Rocco. Madonna, who hopes to become a dragon, pays great attention to the education of her children.
When talking about her experience in educating her children, Madonna said unabashedly that she likes to choose the most traditional and strictest method of educating her children. For example, when she comes home, if she sees the children are not folding their clothes and putting them in the closet, but throwing their clothes on the floor, she will ruthlessly throw their clothes out of the house. Madonna said the method worked so well that nowadays children don't litter their clothes on the floor. In dealing with children's learning, Madonna takes the approach of restricting their TV viewing. Madonna said she would never let anyone watch TV if they didn't finish their homework; children were limited to 30 minutes of TV a day even after they had finished their homework.
In addition, because the two children are in the period of changing teeth, Madonna also strictly controls them to eat candy or ice cream. Because Madonna often sings "white face" at home, her husband Richie has to play the role of "red face" sometimes. Richie sometimes breaks Madonna's "house rules" and buys candy for the children in private. To this end, Madonna always made a "protest". She often told her husband that education of children must be strict so that they can develop good living habits from an early age. Some media believe that Madonna, the eldest sister of the pop music world, is "the most strict person in educating children" in the entertainment industry.
Tough is tough, but as a mother, Madonna pours a lot of love into her children. She had hired two French nannies to take care of her own children, and asked the two nannies to communicate with the children in French to create a bilingual environment for the children. Madonna hopes that her children will grow up in a bilingual home, so that they will naturally be able to speak fluent foreign languages when they grow up.
In life, Madonna is not only a "strict mother", but also a philanthropist. As early as 2001, Madonna, who held a world tour concert, decided to donate the props used in the concert to a charity auction in order to repay her fans. Moreover, Madonna will also put the clothes she wears in the concert and the manuscript of the lyrics copied by herself for charity auction online. A loyal follower of Kabbalah, a branch of Catholicism, Madonna's "Light" foundation has donated $2.4 million to the church in just four years.
Madonna once said in an interview with the US "Time" magazine, "Now I have my own children, and I have a better outlook on the future life. I feel that I must be responsible for the children in the world." In 2006, Madonna has launched a massive charity campaign, donating millions of dollars to aid orphans in Malawi, a country in southeastern Africa. Malawi has a population of more than 12 million, of which 1 million are orphans, most of whom died of AIDS. Of the donations, no less than $3 million was used to set up a care center for 4,000 orphans. Madonna has also contributed an additional $1 million to film a documentary about the plight of orphans in Malawi. In addition, Madonna adopted a Malawi boy, David Banda, as an adopted child.