
Victory by rejecting rude traffic, data interpretation of new consumer brands

   Relying heavily on traffic and channel dividends is a major problem faced by many new consumer brands.

  Looking back in recent years, the upgrading of consumer demand and the transformation of channels have indeed brought many new opportunities. During the "June 18" promotion this year, according to Tmall’s "June 18" sales statistics, a total of 459 new brands won the sub-category TOP1. However, if many new consumer brands have completed 0~1 at this stage, then the dividend will recede, and the next stage 1~100 will face more challenges. Can the product power, marketing power, and user relationship of new consumer brands support one? Long-term development of the brand, not just a flash in the pan?

  This article will list three new consumer brands in typical industries from the data dimension, including beauty, personal care, alcohol, and home appliances, and discuss the "possible" business opportunities for new consumer brands from a marketing perspective at this stage. How to become "Yes"?

Beauty, personal care: mixed

  The half-and-half was founded in 2018, the brand positioning is "make toothpaste with cosmetic thinking", launched the first toothpaste series in March 2018, launched the first mouthwash series in October 2020, and created the mouthwash water line for 80 days The milestone of 100 million yuan in sales is a very typical new consumer brand that has completed 0 to 1 quickly.

  After only three years of establishment, the company has rapidly achieved outstanding sales results, and there are still hidden worries behind it, which will hinder the further growth of the brand. Through the trend insight engine, we analyzed the social battle KLA, brand communication power, media matrix, and competitive product analysis data of the half-and-half brands, and found that compared with traditional brands, new consumer brands have a lower overall brand voice and insufficient user awareness; serious; Relying on social networking, but the logic of the media communication strategy is rough...These issues deserve the brand's attention.

  Existing problems

  1. The product's social attributes are weak, and planting grass needs to be strengthened.

  In April 2021, the half officials announced the brand spokesperson Zhao Lusi. From the brand word cloud, it can also be seen that probiotics, mouthwash, half, Zhao Lusi, etc. are all The high-frequency mentions of this brand put more emphasis on category effects, product concepts and endorsement stars. For the time being, there is no mention of a specific single product of the brand. For new consumer brands, the popularity of branded products is the "first shot" for brand awareness. Half-and-half brands can carry out IP-based packaging of their products, and they must consciously create explosives. payment.

  In addition, in the positive word cloud of half brands, it can be seen that “gentleness” refers to the advantages of mouthwash that is not spicy; and “cleaning power” and “freshness” all come from the intuitive experience of brand functions and fragrances. Brands can continue to strengthen the "social planting" of this positive interest point and continue to strengthen.

  2. Battle of the number of brand social topics, interactive volume slightly less

  interesting insight when mixed according to the engine for the brand's social data analysis shows that mixed social campaign KLA also scored high, but compared to passenger comfort and competing products, still in The number of topics and the amount of interaction are slightly insufficient, and the first few battles with high interaction volume all come from Shuke.

  The industry as a whole, half and half in terms of brand marketing selling points, competitiveness, communication power, and brand awareness are low. High competitiveness and communication power are: Listerine brand, Listerine mouthwash category, and Shuke's brand awareness.

  Generally speaking, traditional brands pay more attention to volume. For example, how many media reports? How much social media exposure? What is the proportion of brand voice? Therefore, the above-mentioned, such as Listerine and Shuke, have higher communication power as traditional brands. In addition to these basic voice volume changes, new consumer brands pay more attention to "interaction", or "brand social influence", which creates a large amount of content on social media through user interaction with the brand. In terms of media evaluation by the Time Interest Insight Engine, the best performance in the interaction rate is the waistline expert of BOP. The head-shoulders-waist-to-tail interaction rate is lower than that of other brands.

  Experts suggest

  Based on the above, when interest Innovation Center is responsible for that, positioning blessing is "doing toothpaste cosmetic thinking", unlike competing products BOP brand positioning and product comparison approach, and its competing products equally brisk sales figures Therefore, the marketing strategy after the mixed is more prominent to create brand differentiation.

  In addition, in terms of celebrity marketing, new consumer brands at different stages have different purposes for celebrity marketing. For example, for a brand at the start-up stage (in the 0~1 stage), the main appeal is to break the circle, make a breakthrough around a single point, bind the brand and celebrity spokespersons, and let the brand quickly focus on a concrete cognitive carrier. The brand's impression can be established in the minds of mass consumers, and at the same time, the high popularity of celebrities can trigger the fan circle effect and realize the conversion of sales. But from the perspective of long-term brand development, the star marketing of new consumer brands should shift from traffic value to cognitive value.

Drinks, alcoholic beverages: empty card

  According to the data of the business staff, during the Tmall "June 18" promotion period, the sales of soda brand empty cards increased by 158 times year-on-year during the New Year’s Festival, with an average of nearly 9 cans sold per second; it was also selected on Tmall. No. 1 in the "Decompression Food TOP List".

  Young people's love for low-alcohol wine has become a consensus. "Low-alcohol wine" is a general term. Many consumers are familiar with fruit wine, soda wine, sparkling wine, rice wine, and pre-mixed wine. Low-alcohol liquor is also a new category that is different from the four major liquors (liquor, beer, wine, and rice wine). It will be extremely hot in the second half of 2020. As a slightly crowded new consumer product track, empty cards have performed well recently. However, there are still problems such as unclear positioning of product marketing selling points, incomplete social marketing self-built matrix, and fuzzy long-term brand planning.


  1. In a social force compared to competing products, in the "low amount of interactive content low" quadrant

  interesting insight engine use, we compare the five typical in the field of low-alcohol wine brands, in addition to empty card, also includes RIO , Heleyi, a quarter past ten and tons of horsepower.

  RIO is a strong player who has rooted in the track for many years and has survived many former competitors. There have been many social campaigns and joint communication actions that have attracted attention before. Heleyi officially entered China in 2019. Due to the epidemic, its spokesperson and brand communication were tepid, but due to the advantages of product taste, the audience liked it highly. When Liu Zhe, who was an executive of the e-cigarette brand Fulu, founded the ten one quarter, his social performance was good.

  Kongka is a pioneer in the soda category and a cutting-edge wine brand. It was born in 2020. It is designed in a trendy style and advocates a healthy experience of new-style wine and drinking. The horsepower ton will be officially launched in January 2020, targeting young people aged 18-25 who have just come into contact with alcohol products. Most of the products sold are parties and other scenes.

  Compared with other brands, the content volume is low and the interaction volume is high. It is a strong brand pattern. Compared with competing products, the social expressiveness of empty cards is in the "low content and low interaction" quadrant. Time Fun Innovation Center believes that empty cards can create an exclusive "social currency", strengthen its brand structure, and increase the brand's social mention rate.

  2. Content marketing matrix varies, poor overall brand image

  through observation matrix for the current marketing content main stage empty card, we also found that brand vibrato content than a single, interactive thumbs amount is relatively low; vibrato overall quality shop , The texture is low, and the amount of interaction and views are single digits for a long time. On the Xiaohongshu platform, the brand deliberately created its label of "cool crowd", but the overall interaction volume and social atmosphere did not perform well. The empty card WeChat video account is displayed as "personal", and the account content is also unofficial.

  Experts suggest that

  overall, the empty cards in smaller amount rising tone of social media, when asked interesting innovation center, KOL and empty cards can be linked to create a campaign to get star sound volume. In addition, the creative content of Tik Tok and Station B has been optimized to be closer to young consumers. In terms of brand positioning, we can deepen the brand image of "Cool" through the linkage of IP resources, make efforts in the private domain of the brand, and create more sticky activities for "Cool" audiences, such as fan days.

Home appliances: Cloud Whale

  Yunjing was founded in 2016, based on the field of cleaning robots, "committed to the development of one-click cleaning household service robots". According to the official introduction, Yunjing has full-stack comprehensive capabilities such as production, supply chain, R&D, sales, quality, and branding. It is self-developed and self-produced and sold. It is also Bytedance’s first investment in the robotics field.

  At present, Yunjing’s main brand products have been updated to the third generation, and the product price is 4,000+ yuan, and in this year’s "June 18" Tmall year promotion, it has won the TOP1 of the household electrical appliance segment. It performed brilliantly on its own track, but there were unclear brand product positioning, no differentiation from competing products, and no deep integration of brand selling points with marketing activities; and the content of social marketing was rough, which reduced user satisfaction. Sensitivity and brand texture.


  1. Social propagation performance, low brand pattern

  when interesting insight on the engine, selected four intelligent cleaning robot brands horizontal comparison. Cobos was founded in 1998 and started as a vacuum cleaner OEM. After years of technological progress and category expansion, it has been deeply involved in this field for more than 20 years. As a rising star in the industry, Roborock has attracted countless fans with Xiao Zhan as the brand spokesperson. The official website of the iRobot brand mainly pushes two machines that are separated from each other. The cloud whale promotion point focuses on "the world's first fully automatic drag-and-sweep integrated robot".

  According to the comparison of the brand social communication pattern of the above 4 smart sweeping robot brands based on the Time Interest Insight Engine, it can be found that, in comparison with its competitors, Cloud Whale is in the quadrant of low content and low interaction in terms of social communication performance, and the brand pattern Lower.

  From the perspective of the efficiency of using KOL, the amount of interaction between Yunjing's talents is not ideal, and the interaction rate is also low. The shoulders of iRobot and the shoulders and tails of the Rock Robot have the highest interaction rate in social media evaluation.

  2. Excessive force product marketing cover up inadequate

  electricity supplier era, as a general consumption habits, user reviews are an important reference for consumers to buy. But when we visited the Yunjing Tmall flagship store, we saw that the first dozen pages in the comment area were all blog posts with topics, almost exactly the same as the shared content on Weibo, which directly gave users the impression of “reviewing good reviews”.

  Experts suggest that

  in addition, we found that cloud whale brand high-frequency words mentioned in the TOP10, Cobos is often used to compare brands. The person in charge of Time Fun Innovation Center believes that, first of all, Yunjing must strengthen its brand positioning advantages and weaken the direct comparison or direct association with Cobos.

  Competition in the consumer goods industry, product, supply chain, and channel scale are of course important, but they are essentially serving the brand at the back end, and the brand power that users can perceive is the company's greatest competitiveness. The brand is manifested in the virtual value of the product, which is based on the cognition and mind of consumers. With the accumulation of time, the threshold becomes higher and higher, and the harder it is to be surpassed and copied by competitors.

  Growth is dependent on channel dividends, and channel dividends are not sustainable and cannot build the core competitiveness of the brand. If the company puts the energy of brand growth entirely on channel dividends and does not build dams, then when the channel dividends disappear, the "dead period" of the brand will come.

  At the moment, the growth and process management of an emerging brand can neither be superstitious nor adhere to the "positioning + VI + big exposure" style of the past from the West and the previous era, nor can it completely follow the flow of traffic dividends, and eventually become a big channel and The "broiler" of the advertising platform should continue to base itself on the current reality and establish a set of complex management capabilities and workflows that are strategic, systematic, framework, and closed-loop.



Moroccan football team: "The most familiar stranger"

   When I was still in college ten years ago, I led a sightseeing group of more than 30 Moroccan students. Before meeting them, my general impression of the Moroccans was that they are from North Africa but closer to the Arab world. They have religious beliefs, are used to worship, and are inextricably linked with France.   When I saw the real person, I realized that the North Africans in front of me were actually a group of children playing with each other and having fun in time. They were about the same age as me at the time. I have all kinds of nicknames and nicknames. During the process of taking them to Badaling, the Summer Palace and Houhai, two classmates and I, together with more than 30 Moroccan students, realized "cultural integration" and "world unity" in the small group to some extent.   During the World Cup in Qatar, I was surprised to find that the little-known Morocco team, which was eliminated in the group stage of the last World Cup, after miraculou

Zeigarnik effect

  As a freelancer, you have to fight procrastination every day. "I've made up my mind many times, but I just can't change it. Is it because I'm slow or slow?". In fact, many procrastinations are irrational. Many obstructions are imagined by myself. So distract, postpone, avoid confrontation. It's cool to procrastinate, and it's cool to procrastinate all the time, so I can't do it. Concentration is also related to physical strength. When the physical strength is exhausted, it is even more difficult to concentrate. You’ll tell yourself: I’m too tired to do this—okay, another perfect procrastination.   In 1927, Bruma Zeigarnik's senior research found that people are more likely to care about unfinished and interrupted work than completed work. This is the Zeigarnik effect. For example, we often don't care much about what we have got, but we will especially cherish what we have worked hard but haven't got. Therefore, the TV series will tell you

Hebei Xingang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Hebei Xingang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd is located in the industrial park of Zhao County, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, near the world-famous ZhaoZhou Bridge. Our facility neighbors the Qinyin Expressway and 308 National Highway on the east, and it neighbors the Jingzhu Expressway and 107 National Highway on the west. It is located 30 km from Shijiazhuang High-speed Train Station and 50 km from Shijiazhuang International Airport. Our company mainly focuses on the research, production and retail of rifamycin and its derivatives, and pharmaceutical raw materials and intermediates. Our products mainly include, Rifamycin S Sodium, Rifamycin S, 3-Formyl Rifamycin SV, Rifamycin SV Sodium, Rifampicin, Rifandine, Rifaximin, Rifapentine, Rifabutin, Rilmenidine, and so on. We are currently the world’s main manufacturer of anti-tuberculosis drugs and rifamycin and its derivatives. Hebei Xingang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd was established in 1996. Upon establishment, the company had a clear developmental goal o