Common diseases of the prostate
Prostatitis refers to inflammation that occurs in the prostate tissue. The most common cause is bacterial infection, which can be divided into transurethral, blood, and lymphatic system infections. Transurethral infection is when bacteria enter the prostate through the urethra, causing acute or chronic prostatitis; transurethral infection is a bacterial infection from other parts of the body that is transported to the prostate through the blood, causing prostatitis. In addition, the rectum, bladder, urethra and other organs near the prostate are inflamed, and bacteria may also enter the prostate through the lymphatic vessels.
Prostatic hyperplasia refers to the abnormally enlarged prostate, which is a common disease in elderly men. Benign prostatic hyperplasia refers to the appearance of non-cancerous hyperplasia of glandular tissue, which is generally considered to be the physiological process of normal aging in men. However, hypertrophy of glandular tissue blocks the urethra and hinders normal urination, causing symptoms such as frequent urination, weak urine flow, and burning or tingling when urinating. In severe cases, the inability to urinate may cause swelling and pain in the lower abdomen.
Prostate cancer is caused by the proliferation of malignant (tumor) cells in the prostate tissue. Tumor cells continue to multiply in an uncontrolled manner, sometimes spreading beyond the prostate into nearby or distant parts of the body. Prostate cancer is usually a slow-growing cancer that can lie in the body for many years without being detected, and most of it has reached an advanced stage when it is diagnosed. The best way to prevent and treat prostate cancer is early detection and diagnosis.
4 major factors increase the risk of cancer
The cause of prostate cancer has not yet been definitively concluded. Based on the data of various anti-cancer foundations, the following factors will increase the risk of men’s cancer and prostate cancer: ①Ageing; ②High-fat diet; ③Long-term lack of exercise; ④Family Some of them have had prostate cancer (especially close relatives).
5 warning signs to uncover prostate cancer
Early-stage prostate cancer usually has no obvious symptoms, but careful observation is still there to follow. Although the following warning signs may be symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia, once the following symptoms are noticed, it is recommended to ask a urologist for further examination and diagnosis to detect prostate cancer as soon as possible.
①Related symptoms of prostate enlargement (such as dysuria, weak urinary flow, frequent urination, pain, slow or intermittent urination, etc.); ②blood in the urine; ③skeletal pain (such as pelvic, back, buttocks pain); ④weight Decrease; ⑤ PSA index asks for higher.
How to detect and diagnose prostate cancer
Doctors usually perform blood tests and physical examinations to check the health of the prostate, mainly digital rectal examination (the doctor wears lubricated gloves and puts his fingers into the rectum to check the size of the prostate and assess whether there are abnormalities) and through blood tests Test prostate specific antigen (PSA for short).
PSA is a simple, painless blood test. Although a high PSA index is not necessarily prostate cancer, a positive PSA screening can provide medical staff with early warning signals for further examination and diagnosis.
If the test results show that there may be a risk of prostate cancer, further biopsy is required. Biopsy is the only way to accurately diagnose prostate cancer. The urologist will use an ultra-fine hollow needle guided by ultrasound to take a small tissue sample from the prostate for pathological examination. For patients who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer, the PSA index is an indicator for judging the level of cancer, the effect of treatment, and whether there is recurrence.
What to do if you suffer from prostate cancer
Doctors can formulate an appropriate treatment plan for prostate cancer only if they understand the patient’s condition and personal condition. Factors to consider include the stage of the cancer, symptoms, age of the patient, and general health.
The current feasible treatment options include surgical removal of the prostate, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, chemotherapy and so on. There is no one-size-fits-all, universally applicable treatment plan. The flexible application of various modern treatment techniques to customize personalized treatment plans for patients can not only improve the survival rate of patients, but also effectively improve the experience and treatment effects of patients.
The key to a good treatment effect or cure for prostate cancer lies in early diagnosis and treatment. Once the cancer spreads to adjacent bones or enters an advanced stage, the direction of treatment is often aimed at controlling symptoms and prolonging life.