
Do you know their answers?

   The speed of globalization in this day and age is astounding, and many things that were previously unheard of are constantly appearing all around us. But globalization is not a patent of the 21st century. We have enjoyed the fruits of globalization in our daily life, especially in terms of food and clothing. How much do you know about it? Take a few multiple-choice questions to test yourself. 1. Where was the first cup of coffee made?

  a. Brazil

  b. Yemen

  c, Italy 2. Who made us drink luscious orange juice?

  a. Thai b. Mexican

  c. Indonesian 3. Which The country played the first poker card in the world?

  a. the United States

  b. Spain

  c. the United Kingdom 4. In the 1950s, slippers were popular in the United States, which country was the first to wear slippers?

  a. Italian

  b. Germany People

  c. Norwegians 5. Which country got the first carrot?

  a. Japan

  b. Afghanistan

  c. India 6. Which country let us enjoy chocolate first?

  a. Belgium

  b. Switzerland

  c. Honduras 7. Cane sugar is a "delicious thing" that makes people "lovable", parents always complain that their children eat too much sweets, who should be "responsible" for this in the first place?

  a. Cuba

  b. Haiti

  c. India 8. Alcoholic beverages can be traced back to Stone Age, but the invention of distilled spirits is not far behind, who may have been the first to make a cocktail?

  a. Iraqis

  b. Iranians

  c. The Russians 9. The Panama hat is a sign of easy life, where is it made?

  a. Ecuador

  b. Cuba

  c. Panama 10. A Byzantine princess ate with a fork, and the priest “there” thought it was a tribute to the gods No respect, what country does "there" refer to?

  a. Spain

  b. Italy c. France

  Can you answer these questions? Let's take a look at their answers.




  As early as 1000 AD, Ethiopians used to chew the seeds and berries of the coffee tree to refresh themselves. Around 1500 AD, the Sufi mystics of Yemen's Islam began to grow coffee and roast the beans to make a drink, which they consumed to enhance their spiritual experience of the religion. At that time, Yemen was the only coffee-producing place in the world, and coffee saplings were prohibited from being carried out of the country, but eventually some people secretly brought coffee saplings to other countries in the Arabian Peninsula. As a result, coffee flowed into the vast areas of Europe with the trade of goods between Arab countries and Europe, and quickly spread throughout the world. Today, coffee has become the world's traded commodity second only to oil.


  citrus is native to Indonesia and Malaysia, and Southeast Asian countries and India are the first to grow. Arab traders brought it to Europe during the Crusades, and some Spanish colonists brought it to the New World. The Americans were very interested in it and cultivated it widely. Some American countries, such as the United States, are affected by the industrial revolution, and the industrial economy has developed rapidly. The development of industry has supported agricultural production, and the citrus industry has also benefited from it. Therefore, the United States has become one of the largest citrus producing countries in the world. From the beginning of the epoch until the 19th century, citrus gradually spread all over the world, and now it has become the most produced fruit in the world.


  Countries such as Germany, France and Iran all claim to be the ancestors of playing cards, when in fact it was born in the United States. In the early 19th century, the legendary Mississippi riverboat sailed north across the United States from the former French city of New Orleans with crews who invented and played poker, making poker popular across the country. In 1830, poker cards developed from 20 cards to 52 cards, which attracted more people to play cards and gamble. I don’t know how many people went bankrupt because of this, and its power to destroy wealth was not even comparable to the Great Depression of 1929.


  At the beginning of the 20th century, farmers on Norwegian ranches began to wear shoes without buckles to raise cows in the cow pen. Later, a shoemaker transformed the shoe without laces into the market according to the style that the locals liked, and its casual style was very popular and quickly spread everywhere. In the 1950s, slippers became a favorite among American teenagers. Today, almost all people wear slippers at home, and even in public places, especially leisure places, many people wearing slippers will be seen.


  The hometown of carrots is Afghanistan. More than 5,000 years ago, only purple varieties of carrots were grown in Afghanistan. This type of carrot has been cultivated in Iran since the 9th century, and has been bred into a variety of large and small varieties of various colors, one of which can reach 90 centimeters in length. In the late 16th century, orange varieties containing carotene were bred in the Netherlands, and the Afghan type of carrots gradually declined, replaced by European carrots.


  The Mayans of Honduras first cultivated cocoa beans and used them to make chocolate. They grind cocoa beans into powder, add water and mix with corn flour or even chili powder to make a drink that tastes bitter but delicious. Around the 16th century, Spanish colonists brought this drink back to Europe, mixing cocoa powder and spices in cane juice to make it a sweet drink. In 1829, Dutch scientist Howey invented the technology of degreasing cocoa beans, which made the color, aroma and taste of chocolate more perfect. In 1876, a Swiss named Peter ingeniously mixed some milk into the cocoa drink, which completed the whole process of modern chocolate creation.


  Sugar cane originated in New Guinea and started out as a chewable product. More than 3,000 years ago, India was the first to grow sugar cane and produce crystallized cane sugar. In 500 BC, sucrose reached Persia. After 1200, the Arabs brought it to Europe, and only Europeans had sweets, and at that time cane sugar was a luxury for ordinary people in Europe. It wasn't until the 18th century, when the price of sucrose fell, that it became an indispensable food on the Western table.


  In 6000 BC, the indigenous peoples of Turkey and Armenia already knew that they could crush grapes and drink the juice. More than 2,000 years later, Sumerians and Egyptians began brewing beer in bulk. In the 8th century AD, an Iraqi alchemist invented the method of distilling alcohol, that is, heating fermented liquid and extracting pure alcohol with a siphon, thus creating a cocktail that can bring people both pleasure and pain. Unfortunately, the drunken cure invented by alchemists has been lost.


  You must think that the Panama hat is made in Panama. In fact, this hat is originated in Ecuador and is woven from a local linen. The light shape of the wide brim is just enough to withstand the strong sunlight of the tropics. Why is it called the Panama hat? This is because in the middle of the 19th century, the port of Panama was a major passage between the west coast of the Americas and Europe. Ecuadorian businessmen exported straw hats to Europe from this port, so people named the straw hat: Panama hat . The Panama hat has been in vogue since US President Roosevelt wore it to visit the Panama Canal.


  The ancient Greeks were the first to cut and eat meat by wielding a tool with two large forks. In the 7th century, the kings of the Middle East began to use forks. Around the 11th century, forks were brought to the table of a Byzantine princess in Venice. The local Italian priests regard the fork as a terrible thing. They believe that God has created the fingers to help eating. The use of the fork is against God's will, so it took about 500 years for Italians to accept it. tableware.



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