Bears can also have facial recognition? Bear biologist Klapham has reportedly teamed up with two Silicon Valley tech workers to develop a facial recognition software called Bear ID (BearID) to monitor grizzly bears. In Kansas, a software called CattleTracs is on the way to recognize cows by their faces.
Tracking individual bears is critical because it helps to study and protect the species, Klapham said. To date, Bear ID has identified 132 bears and collected 4,674 images of grizzly bears, 80% of which are used for training the facial recognition system and 20% for testing. The system is 84 percent accurate, making facial recognition technology less expensive, more durable and less invasive than traditional tracking methods such as collars or ear piercings.
Meanwhile, Kansas cattle farmer Joe Hoagland is building software called Track Cattle, which he hopes will be available by the end of the year, as it will help track patients. Sick cattle, identify the source of the disease and isolate it. In March, Hoagrand worked with Kansas State University professor Olson to provide the software with 135,000 images of young beef cattle. Through verification, the recognition accuracy of the software system is as high as 94%.
The world's 1.3 billion children do not have access to the Internet Although
today is the Internet age, there are 1.3 billion children in the world who do not have access to the Internet at home. According to reports, UNICEF analyzed data from 85 countries and regions and found that as of December 1, about two-thirds of children aged 3 to 7 in the world did not have access to the Internet at home. Among young people aged 15 to 24, 759 million people do not have access to the Internet at home, accounting for 63% of young people in the world.
Henrietta Fore, Executive Director of UNICEF, said it was not just a digital divide, but a "digital canyon". The lack of the Internet has cast a layer of fog on the future of these children, which prevents them from participating in modern economic competition. Once there is a situation where they can only take online classes, they will face the dilemma of dropping out of school. Therefore, it is urgent to improve the communication infrastructure.
According to the report, the "digital canyon" is closely related to the country's level of wealth and poverty. Less than 5% of school-age children in low-income countries use the Internet at home, while the figure in high-income countries can reach 90%. Zhao Houlin, Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union, said that it is still difficult to achieve full network coverage in rural areas. About 75% of rural children in the world cannot access the Internet at home. In addition, the regions with the lowest network coverage are sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, at only 10%. In
a canal on the outskirts of Paris, France, two "anglers" with powerful magnets caught unexpected "babies", including 52 shared bicycles. According to reports, "panning for gold" in the water with magnets has recently become a new trend in the French "fishing industry". A road sign, a scooter and a scooter were salvaged from the river last weekend by a man named Clermont and his self-styled "Magneto" friend Enzo in the Canal de l'Urque, northeast of Paris. 52 shared bicycles. "It's unbelievable, we caught more than 20 shared bikes in half an hour," said Clermont, who was appalled by people dumping bikes in the river. Clermont calls his previous best "trophies" a World War I bayonet and a Napoleon III revolver. According to the report, "fishing" without permission is very dangerous, because some people have "fished" from the river, such as artillery shells and grenades during World War II, and these dangerous items can only be handled by professionals. A 35-year-old elephant is heading to Cambodia to "retire" Along with music, food and balloons, animal rights activists in Islamabad hosted a farewell party for Pakistan's only Asian elephant, wishing it a "happy retirement". After years of hard work, Kawan, a 35-year-old Sri Lankan male elephant, can finally go to Cambodia to "retire" with better conditions. Kawan has been living in the Malahaza Zoo in Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan. Due to years of neglect, Kawan is overweight but malnourished. Not only is he suffering from mental illness, but his toenails are also broken due to long-term stepping on inappropriate floors. In addition, Kawan was not protected from the 40°C heat in Islamabad.
The park denies the fact that Kavan has been living in poor living conditions or being chained. Kavan's tragic incident sparked public outrage, and in May, a judge ordered the removal of all animals from the zoo.
After months of veterinary care and habitual training in a metal box, Kavan will fly to a wildlife sanctuary in Cambodia to "retire in peace," said Salim Sheikh, spokesman for Pakistan's climate change ministry.