
Lisa Burnett's married life

 After Jason Momoa's sudden announcement of divorce, a friend left a message backstage saying: lisa Burnett got lenny Kravitz and Jason Momoa.

Lisa Burnett, who discovered that she had the constitution of a prosperous husband, both Kings met her as nobody, became famous with her, and both divorced.

Every time, is it her problem, or the man's problem, today to see.

Lisa Burnett, born November 16, 1967, in San Francisco, California, to a white mother and a black father, is of mixed race. Her parents divorced shortly after she was born.

Although Lisa is a little old now, she was really beautiful when she was young, with a pair of loving eyes and naturally thick lips, pure and sexy.

Lisa rose to stardom in the US at the age of 16 when she starred in the Cosby Family, one of the most popular sitcoms of the 1980s and 1990s.

Her eyes and mouth turn up, and the whole world looks beautiful. No wonder Jason Momoa says, she's been my girl since I was 8.

Even the way she dressed on the show became a fashion icon in the 1980s.

In addition to her stylish wardrobe, Liza's daily style has been praised by foreign media as a fashion icon. Today, she is definitely a young woman like Kim Seo-seong, who was featured in Forbes magazine.

Unfortunately, Lisa's stellar life soon took a turn for the worse.

It was love at first sight when Liza met rock singer Lenny Kravitz in a backstage elevator at a concert in 1985 at the age of 18. Lenny soon moved in with Lisa, and two years later they were married on lisa's 20th birthday.

Lenny, who had never released an album and was known in the press as Mr. Burnett, reflected years later on the relationship: 'Lisa was like a female version of me. I was so inspired. We had a magical time together.

Lisa's been taking things a lot further since she was with Renny.

She went off to shoot the erotic film Heart of an Angel, in which she was topless.

Interview with Andy Warhol, Rolling Stone, it's a big deal, it's a big deal, it's a big deal, it's a big deal, it's a big deal.

She had a huge feud with bill Cosby, the star and producer at the center of Cosby's crew, who felt she was a self-saboteur and no longer a good fit for cosby, while Lisa felt bill was constantly late for work and making the show a mess.

She didn't say what was going on until more than a dozen women came forward in 2015 to accuse Bill of sexual assault. He was later convicted, but his conviction was overturned last year and his imprisonment ended.

Liza left Cosby for good when she became pregnant in 1988, the same year she and Lenny's daughter, Zoe Kravitz, was born.

After she got pregnant and gave birth to a baby girl, Lisa's career took a nosedive. She was America's sweetheart for the first two years.

Lenny, on the other hand, shot to fame in 1989 with his nostalgic album Let Love Rule.

They say couples test their wives when they're poor and their husbands when they're rich, and within two years of Lenny's success, the marriage didn't work.

Renny later reflected on the divorce, saying that both were too young to be married, and that the breakup was painful.

Unfortunately, life can't be replayed. For Renny, the divorce was about six months of pain, and then he had to move on. He won four Grammys for Best Male Rock Vocal Performance and dated Vanessa Paradis and Nicole Kidman.

For Lisa, a divorce was the loss of a husband, a child, and a career. She spent so much time raising Zoe that she had no time for acting and no money. When the Los Angeles earthquake hit in 1994, the mother and daughter were forced to sleep on the streets.

When they moved to the quiet topanga Valley, Lisa cared about her child's privacy and wanted her to grow up out of the spotlight, according to Zoe: "My mom didn't really want to be famous, but she was all over the country when she was young. She loved quiet and privacy.

Such a peaceful life for more than ten years, occasionally to shoot some films to earn a family, career can not return to the past. But who would have thought that love would come again.

Lisa met Jason Momoa at a jazz club, and Jason, who was also unknown at the time, lit up at the sight of Lisa. Lisa said: 'It started when we first met and he picked me up like a caveman and threw me over his shoulder.

Two people soon together, even gave birth to two children, Jason was really poor, go out are torn pants worn shoes.

Went to Ireland to shoot Game of Thrones, had an unannounced period of time, but couldn't afford to fly back to America, so rented a stale loaf of bread and slept in the car.

I couldn't get a job. When you have two kids to feed and you're in debt, it's a very stressful situation.

These poor days did not last long. Jason quickly made a comeback with Excalibur, and then went on to make Wild, Justice League, Aquaman, and Dune, with bigger and bigger titles and bigger and bigger paydays.

Whether the other half is rich or poor, Lisa is always calm. She lives a reclusive life with her two children while Jason is away filming. She doesn't watch TV or surf the Internet. She never checks her phone in front of the children.

The children grew up in the mountains, and Lisa encouraged them to play outside and get close to nature.

While other celebrities drive around in fancy cars, she always walks around with her pet donkey, a gift from Jason.

The years passed and zoe, now 33, looked just like her mother.

Zoe has continued her mother's acting career with roles in X-Men, Big Little Lies, Mad Max 4, and catwoman in The New Batman.

Mother and daughter together, like a world apart.

Lisa in the face of his younger than 12 years of Jason, still can see the ruthless years.

Again, history repeats itself.

"I'm stepping into a river of uncertainty and learning to be who I really am," Liza said in an Interview a month before Jason announced their divorce last week.

It is said that Lisa has also heard a lot of Jason's affairs over the years, rather than continue in pain, it is better to end gracefully. Her personality is not suitable for Hollywood, the career and feelings of the first half of her life has been with this circle, but also fate lane people.

54 is not too late to start a new life.



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