
Let the other party take the initiative to make a deal decision

   Adamson works as a sales manager for Youmei Seating Company. Recently, he got a definite news from the company headquarters: Kodak founder Eastman donated a huge sum of money to build a concert hall, a memorial and a theater in Rochester. The seats needed in this batch of buildings are looking for businesses outside. If these orders can be won, the company's performance will reach a new level.

  The company headquarters assigned this task to Adamson's department, and the boss gave him the advice: get the order at the least cost.

  After Adamson took the order, he immediately convened a meeting to discuss countermeasures. Regrettably, after discussing for a long time, everyone did not come up with a feasible plan. Just as Adamson was at a loss, the assistant brought another bad news: I heard that Eastman was a weird person. People from many rival companies went to negotiate with him, but he was kicked out of the office within 5 minutes. In this regard, everyone said there was nothing they could do.

  Adamson has always faced difficulties in doing things, but this time he also obviously felt very difficult. When he got home from get off work, his wife Mary asked him with a sad look, "My dear, what's the matter with you?" Adamson told his wife the truth again. The wife smiled and said: "Eastman must have his own characteristics, you might as well pay attention." The words awakened the dreamer, and the words of his wife made Adamson pause.

  In the next few days, Adamson had been on the go. With a small gift, he visited friends around Eastman one by one. He even went to the renovation company that helped Eastman decorate the office, and went to the library to check materials. After nearly a week of preparations, he is quite sure about winning this order.

  That morning, Adamson came to Eastman's company and was introduced to the office by the secretary. Eastman was immersed in a pile of documents without even looking at Adamson. Taking advantage of this time, Adamson quietly looked at the decoration of the office.

  After a while, Eastman looked up and saw him, and asked, "What does the sir do?" The secretary gave a brief introduction and then withdrew. Adamson smiled and said: "I took a closer look at your office just now. From my long-term experience in interior decoration, I have never found any office that can be decorated so exquisitely." "Really? This is my own. Designed!" Eastman said proudly. Adamson walked to the wall and touched the board with his hand, and said, "If I read it right, this board is made in England." Eastman stood up happily: "Yes, this is for me to study. The friends of the indoor oak made a special trip to the UK to order the goods.”

  Next, Eastman was in a very good mood and led Adamson to visit his office, from wood to proportion, from proportion to color, from color to price and his design. After passing, they all introduced them one by one.

  Seeing Eastman talking about his happiness, Adamson asked him curiously about his experience. Eastman talked to Adamson about his miserable childhood, how the mother and son struggled in poverty, how the camera was invented later, and his plan to make a huge donation to the society. Adamson listened carefully and sincerely. Praise him for his kindness.

  In this way, the two of them chatted for a whole afternoon, still talking about each other. Finally, Eastman also invited Adamson to have a meal at his home, and after the meal, he visited the process of painting wooden chairs. From beginning to end, they never talked about business. Later, Adamson not only received this order, Eastman also delivered a large number of other orders to him, and the two also forged a deep friendship.

  In the process of sales, the secret of obtaining orders is not whether you can advertise to the other party eloquently. Sometimes, sincere appreciation and proper compliment can get the other party’s favor and let the other party take the initiative to make transaction decisions.



Moroccan football team: "The most familiar stranger"

   When I was still in college ten years ago, I led a sightseeing group of more than 30 Moroccan students. Before meeting them, my general impression of the Moroccans was that they are from North Africa but closer to the Arab world. They have religious beliefs, are used to worship, and are inextricably linked with France.   When I saw the real person, I realized that the North Africans in front of me were actually a group of children playing with each other and having fun in time. They were about the same age as me at the time. I have all kinds of nicknames and nicknames. During the process of taking them to Badaling, the Summer Palace and Houhai, two classmates and I, together with more than 30 Moroccan students, realized "cultural integration" and "world unity" in the small group to some extent.   During the World Cup in Qatar, I was surprised to find that the little-known Morocco team, which was eliminated in the group stage of the last World Cup, after miraculou

Zeigarnik effect

  As a freelancer, you have to fight procrastination every day. "I've made up my mind many times, but I just can't change it. Is it because I'm slow or slow?". In fact, many procrastinations are irrational. Many obstructions are imagined by myself. So distract, postpone, avoid confrontation. It's cool to procrastinate, and it's cool to procrastinate all the time, so I can't do it. Concentration is also related to physical strength. When the physical strength is exhausted, it is even more difficult to concentrate. You’ll tell yourself: I’m too tired to do this—okay, another perfect procrastination.   In 1927, Bruma Zeigarnik's senior research found that people are more likely to care about unfinished and interrupted work than completed work. This is the Zeigarnik effect. For example, we often don't care much about what we have got, but we will especially cherish what we have worked hard but haven't got. Therefore, the TV series will tell you

Hebei Xingang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Hebei Xingang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd is located in the industrial park of Zhao County, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, near the world-famous ZhaoZhou Bridge. Our facility neighbors the Qinyin Expressway and 308 National Highway on the east, and it neighbors the Jingzhu Expressway and 107 National Highway on the west. It is located 30 km from Shijiazhuang High-speed Train Station and 50 km from Shijiazhuang International Airport. Our company mainly focuses on the research, production and retail of rifamycin and its derivatives, and pharmaceutical raw materials and intermediates. Our products mainly include, Rifamycin S Sodium, Rifamycin S, 3-Formyl Rifamycin SV, Rifamycin SV Sodium, Rifampicin, Rifandine, Rifaximin, Rifapentine, Rifabutin, Rilmenidine, and so on. We are currently the world’s main manufacturer of anti-tuberculosis drugs and rifamycin and its derivatives. Hebei Xingang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd was established in 1996. Upon establishment, the company had a clear developmental goal o