
Resurrected cell phone

   Does anyone around you use branded phones such as Duowei and Tianyu?

  At the beginning of May, a familiar "bargaining" was underway in a live broadcast room with 25 million fans.

  "Go!" In the voice of the staff requesting the link, the "manufacturer representative" from Duowei X7 was anxious, and firmly said that he couldn't do it, constantly emphasizing the manufacturer's leading pricing power.

  "Did I make 500 yuan for you (the manufacturer)?" The anchor countered the "manufacturer representative" in a higher tone, refusing to increase the subsidy to 1,000 yuan.

  The helpless "manufacturer representative" finally "gave up" and agreed to provide a subsidy of 500 yuan, and the price dropped "in place".

  In this live broadcast room watched by 200,000 people, after some bargaining of "you come and go", the atmosphere was set off to the climax, and the appetite of the audience was dampened. The anchor immediately revealed the final price: "Double A 5G mobile phone, 1499 yuan, you can’t get it anywhere.” In the

  fast-hand live broadcast, the “bargaining” plot is old-fashioned, and sales prove that this “performance” still works, even if it’s placed in a “ "Overdue" on the mobile phone brand for many years.

  According to the data provided by Feigua platform, in the past 30 days, in addition to Duowei, the anchor has sold 5 non-mainstream mobile phone brands such as Tianyu, Coolpad, and ZTE. The Duowei brand has the most live broadcasts, with a total of 9 live broadcasts. Product, X7 this model is exposed the most.

470 million yuan in 30 days

  Some mobile phone brands that have been popular in the era of feature phones have not completely disappeared, and even launched 5G models following the trend.

  Compared with the first-tier mobile phone brands, they have no celebrity endorsements, no large-scale new product launches, and it is difficult to see the mainstream supermarkets, but they have found a new living space in the live broadcast room of the anchor.

  "What is the equivalent of a 5G mobile phone? It is equivalent to 10 times that of a 4G mobile phone."

  "An 8-core (processor) mobile phone, let me tell you, usually we are on a high-speed (driving) 2 runways, (will) traffic jam. 8 Runway, I feel comfortable walking.”

  Such as the comparison of 10x speed and the analogy of “high-speed track”, it can be seen that the anchor has spent a lot of time in promoting this phone. The “manufacturer representative” and the live broadcast staff, Take turns in battle. In the live broadcast room measured in seconds, it took more than half an hour to introduce a product alone.

  The effect is immediate. According to Feigua data, in a live broadcast, the estimated sales volume of Dove X7 is as high as 12,000 units, and the estimated sales amount is about 17 million yuan. According to incomplete statistics, in the past month, Dove 7X has broadcast live 8 times, with a total estimated sales of over 95 million yuan. With the addition of the four brands of Candy, Tianyu, Coolpad, and ZTE, the estimated sales of mobile phones that the anchor carries are more than 470 million yuan.

  In the fierce competition in the smartphone market, these brands are in a very awkward position. Compared with other brands and counterfeit brands, their origins are "regular", but they are far inferior to major manufacturers in terms of R&D and capital investment. Most of them "imitate" the appearance of mainstream brands. On the road of design and naming, we are struggling to survive.

  "It's not a miscellaneous brand, it has a little popularity. It used to be very popular, just like a celebrity. Some people still know it when going out." Li Sheng, the owner of a mobile phone offline store in Zhongshan City for more than 10 years, told "21CBR" Reporter, the main market of Coolpad and other brands has been put overseas.

  Offline, non-mainstream mobile phone brands such as Duowei and Tianyu are almost hard to see. Their main channels are online sales.

  At present, the brand effect of offline sales channels is relatively strong. Because of after-sales and other factors, few dealers sell mobile phones of non-mainstream brands. The mobile phone store where Li Sheng is located mainly sells mainstream brands such as OPPO, vivo, and Apple.

  The current hot live broadcast e-commerce has become the best channel for these outdated mobile phone brands to create a new sales miracle.

Secret good business

  Relevant data shows that the current scale of online live broadcast users in my country has reached 617 million, of which e-commerce live broadcast users have reached 388 million.

  According to data from KPMG and Ali Research Institute, it is estimated that the total scale of live e-commerce in 2021 will be close to 2 trillion yuan (1995 billion yuan). In addition, Guosheng Securities predicts that the industry market size can grow to 6 trillion yuan in 2025.

  As the fast hand of the leading live broadcast e-commerce platform, bet on "private domain traffic", that is, the platform anchor's own traffic. These Kuaishou anchors with tens of millions of fans can also reap huge sales by relying on their followers.

  Kuaishou official data shows that last year, the penetration rate of private domain traffic remained above 70%. On average, each user spent more than 20 minutes on the follow page, accounting for about a quarter of the overall consumption time. This kind of private domain penetration rate and consumption time contributed more than 70% of the interaction and comments between videos and live broadcasts, more than 80% of the revenue from live broadcasts, and more than 70% of e-commerce GMV.

  The platform characteristics of private domain traffic have created Kuaishou's "trusted e-commerce". However, in a closed environment dominated by anchors and loyal fans, fan users are also susceptible to be confused and difficult to distinguish.

  Especially the “sinking market” users on the Kuaishou platform are not very proficient in e-commerce routines. According to the "2020 Kuaishou E-commerce Ecological Report", the second-tier and below consumer groups account for 87% of orders.

  These user groups have contributed to the rapid growth of sales for big anchors and big platforms. The Kuaishou financial report shows that the total e-commerce transactions in the first quarter of 2021 increased by 219.8% year-on-year to 118.6 billion yuan; the revenue of other services (including e-commerce) was 1.2 billion yuan, an increase of 589.1% year-on-year. The

  live broadcast e-commerce ecosystem is prosperous and directly Drive the rapid growth of platform advertising revenue. In the first quarter, online marketing services revenue was 8.6 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 161.5%, and accounted for more than 50% of total revenue for the first time.

  Kuaishou CEO Su Hua once said that about 20% of advertising revenue comes from two advertising products, Xiaodiantong and Fan Toutiao. And these two products are mainly aimed at anchors and merchants with goods. Therefore, for e-commerce anchors, Kuaishou has launched various policy support.

  According to the observation of a reporter from "21CBR", the total sales of these fast-hand anchors, which cost nearly 1,000 yuan, once ranked first in the entire platform.

  The reason why the anchor is working hard to sell out-of-the-box mobile phones is that the benefits are far greater than the brand products.

  The dealer sells a 2,000-yuan branded mobile phone, and gets a share of only 200 yuan. Selling non-mainstream mobile phone brands has higher profits. A mobile phone priced at 1,499 yuan may only cost a few hundred yuan.

  The low commission for branded mobile phones is based on the manufacturer's performance upgrades and celebrity endorsements to create influence, which makes users more aware and easier to sell.

  According to the report data released by the market research organization Canalys, in the first quarter of 2021, mainstream mobile phones such as vivo, OPPO, and Huawei accounted for 89% of the market share, while other brands shared only 11% of the remaining market share. The first quarter shipments were 980 Million units.

  Outside the blockade of mainstream brands, how do outdated mobile phone brands capture the old iron in the live broadcast room? In addition to consuming the fame of the past and playing the card of affection, the killer is the so-called "low price", and the service with a vain reputation.

  Take Dove X7 as an example. It’s hard to see the relevant page introduction on Dove’s official website. In Dove’s Tmall flagship store, the price of this product is 4999 yuan, and the monthly sales order is 1.

  In a mobile phone franchise store on the JD platform, Dove X7 is also priced at 4,999 yuan, with one product evaluation. This shop mainly sells Duowei and candy, which is almost the same as the mobile phone products that the above-mentioned anchor has recently promoted. The product introduction page shows that its time to market is October 2020, the sales cycle is more than half a year, and the intention of product inventory clearance is obvious.

Many sales routines

  "As soon as I get home, I will get a mobile phone for three or four thousand dollars. Today, I will let you take it down at 1499... It (the manufacturer) has been squeezed by us and has no profit. Even if it is picked up today

  , it will be picked up." The mobile phone displayed the sales page of the e-commerce platform, and proved to the old iron: it is "really" worth three or four thousand yuan, and we beat the price down. In fact, the role of these display shops is more like a "childcare".

  This is also a tacit routine. Li Sheng said that some dealers will open a store on JD.com and mark a high price as a reference price. Then use the brand influence of JD.com and Taobao to convince consumers who are not familiar with e-commerce. Look, these platforms (actually third-party stores that no one cares about) sell for such high prices. I sell them cheaply. The so-called "cheaper" supply.

  The candy phone M40Pro, which looks exactly like Huawei's flagship model, also operates in the same way.

  On April 17th, an anchor broadcasted this product live. The price of the live broadcast room was 959 yuan, and the store price was 4999 yuan. On April 24, a user left a message at the Taobao store selling the product, saying that "a mobile phone less than 1,000 yuan". The "21CBR" reporter found from the historical price website that the lowest historical price of the candy M40pro was only 789 yuan, which was even nearly 200 yuan lower than the price in the live broadcast room.

Smartphone shipments and annual growth rate in mainland China

Note: Starting from the first quarter of 2021, Honor shipments will not be included in Huawei. Source: Canalys Smartphone Analysis (Shipment Statistics), April 2021

  Paradoxically, whether it is the official Tmall candy store or this specialty store, the price will increase when they sell it by appointment. The anchor will not tell the "family" in the live broadcast room that the displayed price is after the price increase.

  Someone replied below the review, and the price of the product suddenly rose to 4,000 yuan. "Because of the long (live) live show." Another netizen explained in the comment area.

  However, Lao Tie, who is not familiar with e-commerce platforms such as Taobao and Pinduoduo, finds it difficult to know such a routine. The information they obtained is that the price of the same product in the live broadcast room is lower than that of Taobao and JD.com.

  As of press time, the price of Dove X7 and candy phone M40Pro on these platforms is still 4999 yuan. In order to prevent consumers from "seeing through" the routine, this price is likely to last for a while.

  "You placed an order in our live broadcast room. If you go home, you won’t be worth two or three thousand dollars. You will return it to me." The anchor vowed to return the goods without any reason within 15 days. At the same time, he emphasized the "three-year national warranty". Like returns without reason, they are all special "extra value" services provided by the anchor.

  Fans may have not considered after paying for the low price. These outdated mobile phone brands have few offline sales outlets, and after-sales and repair shops are even rarer.

  The reporter of "21CBR" inquired about the two mobile phone products Duowei and Candies promoted by the anchor. The after-sales service phone number on the official website of Duowei mobile phone can be connected, but no one answered; the after-sales customer service number starting with 400 marked on the official website of Candy mobile phone, Shown as a blank number.

  Even if the manufacturer has the ability to guarantee the quality, according to consumers' usage habits, the life cycle of a mobile phone is usually less than three years. The so-called three-year guarantee is more like a blank check for users.

  "Warranty, he said, 10 years are okay. The premise of implementing the warranty is that you need to use it for that long. Now a mobile phone is mostly used for less than three years. He said that this number is just to attract attention and has no implementation significance."

  Even the mobile phone product itself has problems. According to the evaluation video of the digital blogger "Science and Technology Xiaoxin", he bought a Dove mobile phone in the live broadcast room of the broadcaster. After checking the mobile phone's network license, he found that the Dove mobile phone was inconsistent with the registered model on the website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. To put it bluntly, it is "a copycat machine."

  The report released by the Black Cat complaint shows that in the live e-commerce consumer complaints in 2020, false publicity has become the main cause of complaints, and the number of complaints involved far exceeds other complaints.

  Regarding the chaos in the live broadcast industry, the policy level is also increasing supervision. The "Administrative Measures for Web Live Marketing (Trial)" stated that live broadcast room operators and live broadcast marketers must not "publish false or misleading information, deceive or mislead users; marketing counterfeit and shoddy, infringing intellectual property rights or not complying with the protection of personal, Commodities subject to property safety requirements".



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