
With the advent of diabetes, there will be 3 abnormalities in the legs and feet

 With today’s lifestyle changes, people’s stress has increased, and more and more people are suffering from various chronic diseases, the most common of which is diabetes.

Diabetes is a more typical overnutrition disease. Although the disease can be controlled, most patients require life-long medication.

In the early stage of diabetes, many people are not aware of it. In fact, before diabetes comes, it sends a variety of signals to the body, but many people ignore these signal symptoms; these signal symptoms are more obvious in the legs and feet.

What are the abnormal symptoms of diabetic legs and feet?

1. Cold legs and feet

The blood in the human body flows all the time. Through the beating of the heart, the blood will flow to the various tissues and organs of the body to provide the body with sufficient energy and nutrients.

However, if you suffer from this disease, which leads to high blood sugar, it will cause the blood to become thick and affect blood circulation.

The legs and feet are at the very end of the circulation. When the blood circulation in these places slows down, the legs and feet will not get enough blood and oxygen, and then the symptoms of coldness will appear. If the symptoms of cold legs and feet appear frequently, then we must pay attention to it.

2. Dry and itchy skin on legs and feet

When the blood glucose concentration in the patient's body is too high, it will cause the blood to be too viscous and affect blood circulation.

In this case, the capillaries in the human body are easily contracted, causing the skin to appear dehydrated and dry.

Of course, in addition to the symptoms of dryness, patients will also have symptoms of itching. If the blood sugar in the patient's body does not drop, this symptom will continue for a long time.

3. Puffy legs and feet

Diabetes patients will have high blood sugar in the body, which will affect the blood circulation, causing the blood circulation to slow down, affecting the discharge of waste and garbage, and then causing a large amount of waste and garbage to accumulate in the legs and feet, causing symptoms of edema.

In addition, because the legs and feet are at the extreme ends of the limbs, this symptom is also extremely obvious.



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